These days, the trend is toward companies trying to control all creativity, including skills, ideas, discoveries, and techniques& tacit knowledge that isn't subject to patent or copyright under the traditional scope of the law. 目前的趋势是,各家公司都在试图控制员工的所有创造力,包括技能、创意、发现和技巧&这些隐性知识并非法律传统范围内的专利或版权。
Such tacit "supplementary agreements" should not be applicable to insurers according to the insurance principles, the contract law and the demonstrative social effect. 从保险原则、合同法及社会“示范效应”的角度看,潜规则下的货物运输“补充协议”不应由保险公司埋单。
In non-transferable endorsement, we should distinguish explicit or tacit approval thus define the effect of transferable endorsement taking by procuration endorsee, the transferable endorsement taking by impawn endorsee should not occur the efficacy in Commercial Instrument Law. 非转让背书中,应区别明示与默示以确定委托收款被背书人所为转让背书的效力,质押被背书人所为转让背书均不能发生票据法上的效力;
The paper relates the methods to explain contract in Continental Law System to legal system of terms on tacit approval in Common Law System, and studies some issues about it in order to perfect the contact-explaining system in China. 本文拟以此为出发点,联系大陆法系的合同解释(漏洞补充)方法,探析英美法默示条款制度有关法律问题,以资完善我国合同法上合同解释制度之借鉴。
Legal system of terms on tacit approval is one of the characteristics for Common Law System, it is an effective way to explain contract in essence, in details, it is a method to reinforce contract. 默示条款法律制度,虽为英美法系所特有,但究其实质,乃一种合同解释的有效路径,更确切地说,是一种合同漏洞的补充方法。
By researching explicit needs and tacit needs, as well as, users 'psychological process and effects, the goal of this is to probe the law of users' information needs. Second, library perceived service process study. 通过分析用户显性及隐性需求,用户心理过程和用户心理效应,以求摸索用户信息需求规律。二、图书馆感知服务及其质量评价修正研究。
But these kinds of recessive tacit undertaking or commitments based on the "personal relationship" between entrepreneurs share the common characteristics that they are not confirmed by a third party, and also do not have the binding force of law. 然而,无论是这些隐性的默契的承诺,还是企业家之间基于人情圈关系的承诺,其共同的特点是,无法被第三方证实,也不具备法律约束力。